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Foxes Piece School

British Values

In accordance with The Department for Education we aim to actively promote British values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law.

The Key Values are:


·         democracy

·         rule of law

·         individual liberty

·         mutual respect

·         tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

British Values at Foxes Piece School


“Everyone is Someone at Foxes Piece School”


From September 2014, schools and academies have been required to promote actively British values.

These values are defined by the government as:

 ● Democracy

● The rule of law

● Individual liberty

● Mutual respect

● Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs


At Foxes Piece School we are committed to promoting British values across the community and across our curriculum. These values form part of our approach to ensuring that children are safe and learn to keep themselves safe.

Our vision is that the children of Foxes Piece School will:

At Foxes Piece School pupils will leave resilient, confident, respectful and independent young people, ready for their next step in education.

Our Foxy Values are:

Resilience, Respect, Kindness, Independence, Equality

We believe that all of the values above can only be taught through collaboration between teachers, parents and children.


British values and academy values




How they might be developed in our School






●To understand and respect the democratic process

●To understand how they influence decision making through a democratic process

●To understand how to present, argue and defend a point

● To understand the importance of teamwork


● Children are regularly consulted on different aspects of school life

● Adults listen to children and respect their decisions (when it is appropriate to do so)

● Children are taught the principle of a majority decision through class and whole school decision making

● PSHE & SMSC programme encourages children to have a voice, express an opinion and listen to other people’s ideas

● The principle of democracy is taught through history and geography lessons

● Use of School  Council as an opportunity for children to discuss school life

● Medicine – vaccinations



● Vote for marble treats



● Vote School Councillors



● Ancient Greek

● Votes for women debates – RE





● Alcohol RSE 

Mini-Police copcards



● Understanding and recognition of right and wrong

● Ability to accept responsibility for their behaviour

● To understand the consequences of their behaviour and actions

● Ability to resolve conflict

● To understand that living under the rule of law offers protection and is essential for safety and well-being


● Our behaviour policy motto is: Kind Hands, Kind Words, Kind Heart

● Our values include respect, responsibility, co-operation and self-control

● Children are consistently reminded to make good choices and think about whether choices are right or wrong

● Children are expected to work well together and are taught how to manage conflict

● Each classroom has a set of classroom rules

● Stories across the curriculum are used to discuss good and evil, right and wrong


● Consequences/class rules





● PSHE Age Responsibility

● British Values assemblies

● Whole school rukes

● Rules linked to values


Individual liberty




● To understand individual rights as agreed by the UN and British law

● To understand that we each have responsibilities

● To understand we must take responsibility for our actions


● Children are taught to manage risk in different situations

● Difference is embraced, encouraged and accepted, alongside the expectation for tolerance of different life styles

● Children are taught to make ‘good choices’ and to Year 1: I can tell you why my body is amazing and can identify some ways to keep it safe and healthy consider whether the choices they make have an impact on other people

● The rights of children are explored as part of the curriculum

● PSHE Curriculum

● Year 6 rights and responsibility

● Year 3 rights of children

● Year 6 manifesto to positive platy

Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths



● To be reflective about their own beliefs and the beliefs of others

● To make an effort to understand and appreciate other people’s beliefs or faith

● To enjoy learning and exploring faith, belief, morals and give opinions of ethical and moral issues

● Work closely with other people, whatever their faith, background, gender, race

● Accept and embrace diversity


● Children are taught about tolerance and respect

● PSHE lessons are built on mutual respect and understanding for other people’s ideas, beliefs, race, gender

● The RE curriculum embraces all faiths and explores different beliefs through broad themes

● Special days from different faiths are celebrated and the reasons for those days are taught

● Group work and co-operation are essential parts of the learning process

● Visits to different places of worship are planned across the year




● RE Curriculum History

● RE Faiths

● SMSC diaries

● One World Day

● Diversity Awareness - Newsletters and mentors

● European Day

