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Foxes Piece School


We firmly believe that children thrive in a secure environment where regular routines and consistent expectations are reinforced by the careful use of positive rewards. We teach children the reasons for rules so that they can become self-disciplined. Our children are very proactive in devising agreed class rules and  agree a system of rewards and sanctions.


The school is committed to protecting children from all forms of abuse and believes that the needs of the child are paramount. We understand that our responsibility to safeguard children requires that we all appropriately share any concerns that we may have about children. All staff are trained in recognising signs of abuse and report any concerns to the Designated Child Protection Teacher who is the Acting Head teacher. Parents also need to contact the Head teacher if they have any concerns about a child’s safety. For further details, please see our policy and procedures document available on our website or come into school and request a copy.


A key principle which underpins the ethos of the school is that all children are valued and are entitled to an education appropriate to their stage of development. Provision is made for pupils of all abilities within each class by adapting work to provide different levels of difficulty and challenge. Pupils experiencing learning difficulties or particularly able pupils receive additional support from their teachers. When necessary these pupils will work on individual programmes with a teaching assistant.


Staff have high expectations for the children whilst recognising that each and every child is different. Consequently, a wide variety of teaching strategies and techniques are used to enable children to learn effectively. These include individual, group and whole class teaching. We place a strong emphasis on first-hand experiences and try to make our lessons as interactive as possible.
