Pupil Premium Strategy Statement
School Overview
Detail | Data |
School Name | Foxes Piece School |
Number of Pupils in School | 162 |
Proportion (%) of pupil premium eligible pupils | 52.4% |
Academic year / years that our current pupil premium strategy plan covers (3-year plans are recommended) | 2022-2025 |
Date this statement was published | September 2022 |
Date of which it will be reviewed | September 2025 |
Statement authorised by | Jane Byron |
Pupil Premium Lead | Loren Irvine & Lisa Dempsey |
Funding Overview
Detail | Amount |
Pupil Premium funding allocation this academic year | £124,320 |
Recovery premium funding allocation this academic year | £3,262.50 |
Pupil premium funding carried forward from previous years (enter £0 if not applicable) | £0 |
Total budget for this academic year If your school is an academy in a trust that pools this funding, state the amount available to your school this academic year | £127,582.50 |
Part A: Pupil premium strategy plan
Statement of intent
This details the key challenges to achievement that we have identified among our disadvantaged pupils.
Challenge Number | Detail of challenge |
1 | Low starting points, lack of educational aspirations and poor parental engagement with home learning. |
2 | There is an attainment gap in reading, writing, maths and phonics. |
3 | Pupils eligible for PP often have poor/delayed language and communication skills. Speech and Language interventions are key for progress to be made |
4 | Poor emotional resilience, diet, self-regulation skills and attendance impact on pupils’ abilities to work and accept challenge in their learning. |
5 | Lack of access to enrichment activities and extended home-learning for pupils eligible for PP restricts their knowledge and love to learn. |
6 | Attendance rates for pupils eligible for PP is below that of non-PP peers. Pupils have reduced school hours and are missing out on quality first teaching and causes them to fall behind. Children arrive at school late and not always ‘ready to learn’ – poor routines, lack of equipment/uniform and unhealthy diets impact on their attitudes to learning. |
7 | Children who have high levels of mobility across schools and periods of EHE are at risk of disengaging with mainstream school and learning gaps are more pronounced. |
Intended Outcomes
Intended Outcome | Success Criteria |
To narrow the attainment gap between disadvantaged and non-disadvantaged pupils in core subjects. | Pupils achieve age expected or better in core subjects. Pupils make accelerated progress in subjects they have fallen behind in. (PiXL data) |
For disadvantaged children in Early Years to develop their oracy skills to support communication and language. | At the end of Reception at least 75% of pupils will achieve ELG in speaking, word reading and writing. |
Disadvantaged children in Key Stage 1 and 2 to increase vocabulary which will support their reading and writing. | Pass rate of Phonics Screening Check in Year 1 is at least in line with the national average. Attainment at the end of KS1 in reading and writing at least within national average for the country. Any attainment gaps in reading and writing between disadvantaged children and others will have diminished throughout the year. |
To support children to develop resilience, self-regulation and self-esteem and be in the best condition to learn both physically and mentally. Friendship groups and mentoring opportunities for PP children. Priority places for PP children for trips and clubs will be presented. | Children will be able to self-regulate and show resilience in their learning. School will provide free fruit to all children in school ensuring every PP child will have a piece of fruit every day. Families have enough food to provide for their children. All disadvantaged children are in full, correct uniform throughout the academic year. |
To ensure children have a positive school experience and become lifelong learners through a range of experiences in their work. | Children will engage in learning, extra- curricular opportunities and enjoy school life. All disadvantaged children are targeted to attend extra-curricular activities after school. All disadvantaged children will attend at least one educational visit or experience every term. |
Attendance for disadvantaged children increasing leading to improved outcomes in learning. | Children will engage in learning, extra- curricular opportunities and enjoy school life. Disadvantaged children’s attendance will at least be in line with the national average. |
Activity in this academic year
This details how we intend to spend our pupil premium (and recovery premium funding) this academic year to address the challenges listed above.
Teaching (for example CPD, recruitment and retention)
Activity | Evidence that supports this approach | Challenge number(s) addressed |
Timetable will enable identified (PiXL) critical objectives to be taught where gaps are occurring. | PiXL data informs children who are ‘at risk’ of not reaching ARE. PP Lead to monitor disadvantaged children and their progress every half term. Support and challenge will be applied where appropriate. | 2 3 4 |
Assess children to identify gaps and lost learning within PP children. | PiXL therapy groups will track progress of targeted children throughout the term. Regular core meetings and PPMs to monitor progress being made. | 2 |
Subject leaders will design curriculum to support and encourage children to become resilient and curious learners. Maths Lead to co-ordinate Mad Maths days and a specific ‘Marlow Maths Walk’ aimed at PP children. . | Curriculum progression through year groups will support retention for disadvantaged children. | 1 2 3 4 |
Reading Therapy Dog visits weekly to encourage reluctant readers. | Many of our lowest 20% of readers are Pupil Premium children. | 1 2 5 |
Pupil Premium lead to monitor attainment and progress for PP children using PiXL. | EEF guide to Pupil Premium – applying the tiered approach. Teaching is priority with CPD opportunities. Training and CPD will be relevant and up to date with one designated person leading. | 2 |
Use of new oracy teaching strategies, such as ‘helicopter stories’ and ‘Poetry Baskets’ in EYFS. Forest School to be used across the school to improve oracy.
| Evidence from Bucks Challenge Universal Offer says language and communication are key areas of development. | 3 |
Focus in Year 5/6 on punctuation, grammar and spelling as specific gaps have been identified. | Being secondary-ready is a priority in this year groups and core skills need to be explicitly taught and revised. | 2 |
Targeted academic support (for example tutoring, one-to-one structured interventions)
Activity | Evidence that supports this approach | Challenge number(s) addressed |
Teacher led specialist intervention groups (PiXL therapy groups) for English and Maths are in place to support PP children who need intensive teaching support. | PiXL data and progress meetings identify children with gaps in learning. | 1 2 |
Reading Specialist LSA provide support programmes and early morning phonic boosters using gap analysis and PIXL resources. | Pupil progress meetings and monitoring of disadvantaged children identify gaps in children’s learning. | 2 |
Daily Doodle Maths and TTRS sessions for all children enables all children to revisit prior learning and maintain new learning. | All class teachers and subject leads monitoring disadvantaged children’s assessments and class plans, identifying areas to target. | 1 2 |
Specialist SEND interventions - Teacher led maths and English sessions for PP children who have additional needs and are not able to access the UKS2 curriculum. Planning will ensure that the identified needs are met and the children are able to transition successfully to their secondary setting. | SENDCo and PP meeting to discuss Maths and English for disadvantaged children with additional needs. PiXL and assessment data to identify areas to target. | 1 2 |
Wider strategies (for example related to attendance, behaviour, wellbeing)
Activity | Evidence that supports this approach | Challenge number(s) addressed |
Children will have a positive attitude to learning and attending school as a result of specially planned Mondays and Fridays- ‘Unmissable Mondays’ and ‘Fun Fridays’ to encourage improved attendance and pupil attitude to learning. | Attendance is lower for PP children compared to non-PP children. Family Liaison Teacher has planned activities every Monday and Friday to boost pupil’s excitement about attending school. | 5 6 |
The SENDCo in school will monitor children and support teachers to provide scaffolding across the school. Additional support and training for teachers will be planned regularly and personalised to the needs as they arise.
| New starters in school and all children moving to new year groups. Meetings involving SLT to address concerns held regularly. Importance of routines and expectations to be taught and instilled in children due to observed behaviours. | 4 |
Bucks Mental Health Support Team to begin working regularly in school offering whole school, group, 1:1 and family support. They will address such issues as: anxiety, difficult feelings, wellbeing and friendship. This will include parental workshops. | Pupil voice and parents sharing concerns identify relationship issues and higher levels of anxiety. CPOMS tracking has identified the importance of building social skills. | 5 |
SENDCo and Family Support Teacher to support mobility of PP children. New starters support with behaviour, financial support, feedback and communication with previous and next schools | High mobility of PP children and shared information with previous schools. | 7 |
PP children are encouraged to take on a variety of leadership roles across the school ag. Maths Ambassadors, Reading Buddings, School Council, Learning Mentors, Sports Leaders to raise aspirations and boost self-esteem. | Prior success within school with pupil leadership opportunities and teaching responsibility. Importance of providing positive role models and mentors. | 5 |
After school and Lunchtime Clubs – We provide a wide range of extra-curricular clubs and enrichment opportunities to all children at no additional cost to support children’s enjoyment and engagement levels. All school trips are subsidised for PP children if needed. | Tracking of attendance has identified gaps in attendance between PP and non-PP children. Wider-school experiences of children are limited with disadvantaged children. | 5 |
Enrichment Project (2023-24) with SWBGS - Upper KS2 pupils to work with SWBGS in a mentoring project to promote aspirations and confidence in the children. | Disadvantaged children benefit from positive role models and mentors. Aspirations for disadvantaged children begin to fade later in school life. | 5 |
SENDCo and Family Liaison Teacher to work with vulnerable families and improve parental engagement, supported by Bucks Mental Health Team.
| Research shows that Parental Engagement has a positive impact on pupil achievement. (EEF Toolkit: Parental Engagement). Providing a point of contact ensures all families are able to access a range of support, guidance and advice where needed. Historic school evidence has shown that many families have benefitted from support with food, clothing and emotional support. | 5 |
Clearly planned activities using a Awareness Day Calendar ensures the children are receiving a wide variety of cultural capital. | Disadvantaged children do not have the opportunities to experience the wider world. | 2 5 |
Resilience Project to be introduced in collaboration with other Marlow schools to enhance the resilience of our pupils. (2023-24).
Use of Zones of Regulation across the school to support the pupils’ ability to identify their feelings and self-regulate.
| Disadvantaged children will gain a greater understanding on how to become a more resilient learner which will have an impact on their academic success and their emotional regulation.
| 4 |
Ongoing CPD for teachers. Specific training in a handwriting program to increase the ability to write clearly to enhance the new Ready Steady Write curriculum for English. | Providing teachers and support staff with the most up-to-date guidance on how best to support children from disadvantaged backgrounds. | 2 3 4 |
Pupil Premium Impact Statement
Foxes Piece Primary School 2023-24
At Foxes Piece, our 2023-24 Pupil Premium Strategy has had a significant and positive impact on the outcomes and experiences of our disadvantaged pupils across the school. Through targeted interventions and a whole-school approach to support, we are proud to share the following key successes:
We have had very encouraging results from KS1 with 100% of Pupil Premium children attaining their GLD (Good Level of Development) compared to 92% of non-PP children. In addition, 92% of Pupil Premium children passed their phonics screening which was the same number for their non-PP peers.
While overall pupil attainment has improved, there remains a noticeable gap between Pupil Premium (PP) pupils and their non-PP peers in Key Stage 2. The gap in reading and maths has narrowed significantly, with a difference of less than 10%. However, the gap in writing remains more pronounced, at 11%. We are committed to addressing this disparity through targeted writing interventions, enhanced support, and personalized learning strategies, striving to close this gap and ensure equitable outcomes for all pupils.
In summary, our 2023-24 Pupil Premium Strategy at Foxes Piece has been instrumental in driving improved outcomes for disadvantaged pupils. From early years to Year 6, from academic success to extra-curricular engagement, we have worked hard to narrow the gaps in attainment and opportunity, creating a school environment where all pupils can flourish.