If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.
Here at Foxes Piece, we follow the Buckinghamshire Council Admission Policy. Please see the attachment/document below for further details.
For information about new admissions to Reception year entry, please follow:
If you would like to apply for a place at our school, outside of the Reception year entry, please speak to the school office or Buckinghamshire Council admissions. You will need to complete an "In Year Transfer" form. If you are transferring from another Buckinghamshire Council school, you will need to obtain this from your child's current school, complete it and have it verified by the headteacher and send it to: Admissions & Transport Team, 3rd Floor, County Hall, Aylesbury, Bucks, H20 1UZ
You are more than welcome to come and visit our school, by appointment, with the Headteacher.
There is a Contact Us Form for questions to Buckinghamshire Council regarding admissions. Please note this link is not for making admissions for school places: