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Foxes Piece School

Covid Catch Up Grant

Foxes Piece School Catch Up Strategy Statement including Planned Expenditure, Outcomes and Impact 2020-21

Foxes Piece School is committed to ensure maximum progress for all our pupils and strives to close any gaps created by the lockdown periods.  Those from the most vulnerable and disadvantaged backgrounds will be among those hardest hit. The aggregate impact of lost time in education will be substantial, and the scale of our response must match the scale of the challenge. The government has announced funding to support children and young people to catch up. The following document describes how Foxes Piece School endeavours to ensure our pupils catch up successfully.

Summary Information

Academic year


Total catch up budget


Total Number of Pupils



Areas to Address

Low starting points, lack of educational aspirations and poor parental engagement with home learning

Children completing limited work at home during lockdown.

Post-lockdown anxiety/ separation anxiety.

Children are emotionally unstable, fragile and attendance is not good for some pupils.

Poor emotional resilience and self-regulation skills impact on pupils’ ability to work independently and to accept a degree of challenge in their learning.

A lack of reading quality texts has impacted upon the bank of creative ideas and vocabulary children have to draw upon when writing.

Lack of writing stamina- children finding it difficult to compose longer pieces of text and maintain concentration on writing for extended periods of time.

Mathematical fluency has been lost.

The behaviour of children during lockdown has deteriorated at home and parents feel challenged by this.

Desired Outcomes for 2020-21

Desired outcome

How this will be measured

Anxiety amongst pupils returning to school will be reduced.

Children will engage with their learning and demonstrate good behaviour around the school.

Attendance figures

Reports from mental health support worker and parents

Behaviour reports and analysis of Behaviour Plans

The gaps will be closed in reading attainment and will be in line with data before lockdown/national averages.

Children will enjoy reading a range of texts

PIXL Assessments

Reading survey and pupil voice

The gaps will be closed in maths attainment and data will be in line with data before lockdown/ national averages

Maths standardised tests (PIXL)

Weekly arithmetic and Times Tables tests.

Children will develop their writing stamina and be able to show sustained concentration in longer pieces

PIXL Writing Indicator Analysis for each year group

Weekly extended writing activities


Whole School Approach to Catch Up


Aim: Identifying the gaps in provision which therefore need to be taught

Desired outcome

Chosen action/approach

How will we ensure it is implemented well?

Led by?

Review curriculum progression documents to identify gaps

Curriculum leaders to meet with all class teachers to establish what was not taught during lockdown/ Summer term.

Highlight current progression grids to show the gaps in learning provision

Documents shared with headteacher.



Quality of Education Lead

Review objectives not taught due to lockdown and identify those classed as critical in the foundation subjects

All curriculum leaders to create a document for new class teachers showing the critical objectives which need to be taught in each year group before the new year group curriculum can be introduced.

Diagnostic analysis from spring and autumn PiXL assessments.

Review of objectives in staff meeting.

Curriculum leader time to discuss with class teachers.


Curriculum Leaders

Review objectives not taught due to lockdown and identify those classed as critical in English and maths

SLT use the NAHT KPIs to create key objectives in writing and mathematics.

SLT use Read, Write Inc phonics planning to identify objectives in phonics which should be taught to each group

Diagnostic analysis from spring and autumn PiXL assessments.

Quality of Education lead to liaise with class teachers to ensure critical learning is caught up

Quality of Education Lead

Assessments help us to address learning gaps and children to catch up.

Using PIXL quizzes and learning check lists to identify gaps and use therapy sessions to quickly address these.

PIXL Leader will support class teachers to identify and address gaps.

Assessment Leader

Whole School Approach to Catch Up

RECOVERY Curriculum

Aim: Identify the critical gaps and ensure the children master the critical skills

Desired outcome

Chosen action/approach


How will we ensure it is implemented well?

Led by?

The timetable enables identified critical objectives to be taught

Review curriculum timetable to ensure time for recovery of critical skills in English and maths.  PIXL materials will provide support for teachers and LSAs to deliver targeted lessons and interventions for gaps in learning at the new terms and after periods of lockdown.

Regular review in staff meetings.

Quality of Education Lead

Increase Teacher Time for each class

To use booster/additional teachers to provide additional teaching capacity within each class.  Teachers are able to use quality first teaching for smaller groups to address gaps.

SLT to monitor teachers’ additional time.


Early Morning Bubble Boosters will address ‘quick fixes’ and learning gaps.

LSAs will be allocated 15/20mins before school each morning to deliver targeted programmes and precision interventions for children with identified gaps from lockdown.

PP Co-ordinator will monitor and review every 3 weeks.

Behaviour Lead

Assess children to identify gaps and lost learning.

Using PIXL diagnostic quizzes and assessments to be used after periods of lockdown to provide detailed overviews of gaps for individual children and cohorts.

PPMs with SLT

Weekly core mtgs with QE lead and RSL.

Assessment Lead




  1.  Mental Health and Pastoral Interventions

Aim: Children will be ready to learn and anxiety will not pose as a barrier to this

Desired outcome

Chosen action/approach

How will we ensure it is implemented well?

Led by?

Children will have a positive attitude to learning and attending school.

Attendance will be good.




Behaviour at the school is good, children engage well with their learning and demonstrate our school values.


Family Liaison Teacher to provide targeted support as needed and small group nurture groups.

Whole school nurturing ethos and use of LSAs who have undertaken mental health training (Mental Health First Aid) to ensure all children displaying anxiety on return to school have the opportunity for group or 1-1 interventions.

Refresh our behaviour expectations and the use of tokens across KS2.  Additional behaviour support for teachers and children as needed from the behaviour lead in school. Adapt where necessary such as providing monitored ‘quiet club’ during lunchtime and enhance positive play during breaks.

Monitor children receiving support – their attendance and how well they come to school at the end of the first half term.

Attendance will be good and children identified as needing support will have improved attendance.



Behaviour reports and analysis of Behaviour Plans.

Family Liaison Teacher











Behaviour Lead



2. Interventions

Desired outcome

Chosen action/approach

How will we ensure it is implemented well?

Led by?

Reading Interventions

Additional teachers provide support programmes and early morning phonic boosters using gap analysis and PIXL resources.

PIXL Assessments and Analysis

PIXL Leader

Maths Interventions

Early morning boosters address maths fluency and identified lost learning.

Daily Doodle Maths sessions for all children enables all children to revisit prior learning and maintain new learning in small regular 1:1 sessions.

Time-Table Rock stars used to support tables fluency.

Class teachers have additional time to address gaps/misconceptions that have arisen during lockdown.

PP Co-ordinator to monitor and analysis of Doodle sessions.

PPMs with SLT

PP Co-ordinator




Writing Interventions

Whole class and small group writing activities will be in place across all classes during return phases.  Daily writing tasks will enable the children to quickly re-establish the non-negotiables and build stamina.

Moderation of short writing task and PIXL writing indicators

Quality of Education Leader


Robust daily attendance monitoring and support calls to parents will ensure that all parents value school attendance highly and return to good routines.

Daily monitoring by Family Support Worker supported by Buckinghamshire’s Attendance team.

Family Liaison Teacher

Behaviour Support

The behaviour lead in school will monitor children as they return from periods of lockdown and support teachers through visits to the classroom and training to re-instil our values and expectations across the school.

Additional support for teachers and children will be available and personalised to the needs as they arise.

Termly behaviour reports and reviews of Behaviour RAG rated plans will identify the needs and support given.

Behaviour Lead

Nurture Groups

Nurture groups, 1:1 session and friendship groups will be used across the school to address such issues as: anxiety, isolation, lack of resilience, friendship issues and love of learning etc.

Pupil survey/voice will tell us how the children are feeling in school.

CPOMS will record messages from parents.

Behaviour Lead

Assessment and Tracking

PIXL quizzes and assessments will be used diagnostically to identify gaps and misconceptions and address these through therapies and boosters.




PIXL leader to lead analysis sessions with teachers and identify therapies and address gaps.

PIXL Leader


Total budgeted cost from Catch Up budget:


Additional Teaching Time £2,500

Early Morning Boosters     £5,000

Doodle Resources               £1,500

Tablets                                   £1,500

Family Support Worker     £6,000
