Welcome to our Governors’ section.
A letter of welcome from The Governors of Foxes Piece
Dear Parents, Carers and Friends,
I’d like to welcome you on behalf of the Governing Body of Foxes Piece School and thank you for taking the time to look at our website.
Foxes Piece provides a safe and friendly environment for children to learn and develop their skills for life and as governors it is our duty to support and question in order to ensure that the high standard of education provided by the teachers and staff is maintained and that the quest for improvement never stands still.
Our school ethos is based on treating every child as an individual and giving them the tools they need to develop their minds and never losing sight of our safeguarding duty to them. We believe that if a child feels safe and cared for they will embrace learning and if you care to look around Foxes Piece and see how happy and well behaved our children are, you’ll see that our ethos works very well. Good governance means that we as governors embrace this ethos too and help the staff in any way we can to uphold it.
Our school motto is: ‘Everyone is Someone’ and we never forget that.
At Foxes Piece we operate two core committees:
Each committee is attended by a mix of staff and governors and through these forums the governors are able to monitor, challenge and keep abreast of all school business. There have been a lot of changes taking place at Foxes Piece over the last year or so including much renovation and improvement of the school site as well as the purchase of a great deal of new equipment and resources for the children. This is all as a result of governors and staff working together and the involvement and input from parents and the community. We are extremely proud of all that has been achieved but we won’t sit back on our laurels, we will strive to increase our ties with parents and carers, we believe that this relationship is crucial in ensuring our children get the very best in education and a solid foundation to their journey through life.
Please find below details of how our Governing Body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
We keep a 'Register of Governor Interests' and an 'Annual Statement of Issues' in school. A copy of the Code of Conduct that all Governors sign annually is attached, together with Governors' details and the Register of Interests.
Membership of Committees/Working Groups
Pay Review Committee
Mr K Gale and Mrs L Davern
Premises, Finance and Personnel Committee
Mrs J Byron
Mr P Reynolds
Mrs G Snowdon
Mr K Gale
Mr K Baird
Teaching, Learning and Pastoral Committee
Mrs J Byron
Mrs K Byer
Mrs L Davern
Mr J Rumble
Mrs O Skinner
Mrs R Lee
Mrs T Dashkieva
Mrs R Kerr
Ms L Saul
The current Board of Governors are:
Mrs J Byron Headteacher and Staff Governor
Mrs K Byer Staff Governor
Mrs Lynn Davern - Chair of Governors
Upon retirement as a teacher from Foxes Piece, I became a Governor with special interest in Teaching, Learning and Pastoral Care and adopted the roles of Early Years and Curriculum Governor. I now enjoy the position of being Chair and the deeper understanding I continue to gather on all aspects of school life.
My experience as a teacher here, I believe, gives me excellent insight into the ethos of the school: familiarity with day-to-day routines and management of the school; a clear understanding of the demands and expectations placed on leaders and staff; good knowledge of our diverse wider community and, within it, the challenges faced by families in supporting their children’s education; but above all, an overwhelming desire to support the school community and each pupil in their learning.
Many years of primary teaching across all year groups, from nursery to Year 6, at management level and as class teacher, has given me wide experience across a range of schools. I aim to tap this experience to support Foxes Piece in any beneficial way that I can.
Mr Kevin Gale - Vice Chair
I started life as an Engineer before becoming a Chartered Accountant. Since then, I have started and ran several engineering businesses, primarily based around the design and manufacture of new engineering products for the construction industry. My wife Emma and I have lived in Marlow for the last 15 years and have three grown-up children, all of whom were educated in Marlow. Before becoming a Governor of Foxes Piece, I was a Governor of Sir William Borlase’s Grammar School for six years.
Mr Peter Reynolds
My association with Foxes Piece goes back over 10 years when I set up teams from the Rotary Club of Marlow Thames to listen to the children read and we still do, to this day. My role as Governor has developed from this association. I was employed as a Management Accountant and I took early retirement from ICI in 1995. With my wife we set up a Computing Training and Accountancy Business and I finally retired in 2007. As a member of the Premises, Finance and Personnel Committee my specific interests will be finance and maintenance of the premises.
Mr Kenn Baird - H&S Governor
My wife and I moved to Marlow in May 2021 when I took up the position of Pastor of Newfield Community Church. We have 2 adult sons and my wife is a Special Needs Teacher. I have 15 years experience working with three local authorities as a child and family social worker. I qualified as a clinical, pastoral and trauma Counsellor in 1993. I have previously been a parent governor in a large boys secondary school in Sussex.
Mr John Rumble - SEN Governor
I am a retired teacher and school leader having worked in the field of special educational needs in secure, integrated and inclusive provisions. I spend my time supporting training at Marlow FM where I am the training director. I am also involved with music with children and adults at Newfield Community Church. I have two grown up children in the arts and my wife Coral is an author. On days that I'm not busy in these roles I'm out walking my Border Terrier, Gus.
Mrs Gill Snowdon - Eco Governor
I was born in Marlow and have lived here all my life, raising a daughter who once attended Foxes Piece School. I had a successful career in horticulture and as a PA for a charity which was very rewarding. Since early retirement I have been involved in many volunteering roles including running a Debt Advice service, helping at the Age Concern Day Centre, reading with pupils at school and delivering welcome packs to new residents of Marlow. I love Marlow and can often be found walking my dog in the area and in local parks.
I am an active member and Trustee of Newfield Community Church and I help run Jumping Beans a weekly activity group. I felt really honoured to be invited to be a Governor at Foxes Piece School and it has been a great experience to be involved with the workings of the school.
Mrs Olwyn Skinner - Safeguarding Governor
I have lived in Marlow all of my life raising my children and grandchildren, which have all successfully attended Foxes Piece school and have had a very positive experience over years. I have now retired as a Social Work Fostering Manager, my role was to prioritise the safeguarding of our young people, recruit and train foster carers and ensure that they all had the tools necessary to promote the emotional wellbeing of the children placed in their care, alongside safeguarding and promoting their development, both physically and emotionally. I understand the pressures each school has in making sure that their children are safe and able to reach their potential. I have great respect for the current Headteacher and her staff and wanted to play my part in supporting them and the children, whilst continuing to build on the successes they have achieved.
Mrs Rachael Kerr - Parent Governor
I am a mother of two boys at Foxes Piece. My day job entails managing Social Housing as a Neighbourhood Manager. I am also a Safeguarding Leader at work and attend safeguarding boards and child protection meetings. I believe my skills from my work will transfer well to the role of Parent Governor. I am particularly keen to support SEN children in school and hope to ensure that all children are safeguarded well and can reach their full potential, regardless of their background, special educational needs, or disabilities. Although I have no prior experience in school governance, I am eager to support the school and its dedicated staff.
Tanya Dashkeieva - Parent Governor
Me and my daughter came to the UK from Ukraine in 2022. I have experience in Marketing management, Business development, and more recently IT Product management, which allows me time to be with my daughter. I have also been an English coach for adults and tutor for children in Ukraine. My interests lie in Mental Health in Children and Younger Adults, plus Counselling Skills. This makes me good at promoting and developing relationships that lead to success for all parties. My all-time passion has always been the education of children as the future of humanity and I feel Foxes Piece is a great example of an educational establishment that truly cares about children feeling at all times appreciated, and heard. As a Parent Governor I am happy to bring my energy into school to support its development
Lauren Saul - Parent Governor
I am a parent of 2 children, Bobby and Isabella. Although we no longer live in Marlow, we do still have ties to the Marlow Community with work, education and socialising. I work in HR and Operations at Marlow Medical Group and can often be seen attending functions and events organised within Marlow and regularly volunteer my time at various clinics run by MMG. I would like to use my skills and knowledge to help the school continue to improve and develop.