During our French lessons in KS2, we have been celebrating the European Day of Languages. It’s officially held on the 26th September each year and it helps to raise awareness of the huge diversity of languages spoken all over the world and also to promote language learning.
In Year 3, we decorated bunting saying “hello” in lots of different languages.
In Year 4, we made maps naming as many different languages as we could.
In Year 5 we had a quiz to check our knowledge about European languages
In Year 6 we found out which countries have French, English, German or Italian as their official languages and played a guessing game to see how many languages we could recognise from hearing conversations. Very tricky!
Even our Reception class learnt a song in French to celebrate!
We made posters for our classroom doors and listened to songs sung in many different languages.
We had a lot of fun and there is still so much more to learn – we can’t wait for next September 26th!
If you would like to know more about this special day, follow the link below: